
What is The Kettering Institute for Teacher Training?

First, we provide the opportunity for qualified respiratory therapists, radiologic technologists and nurses to transition from hospital clinician to classroom teacher, then we expand their knowledge and skills into a full-time educator, and then even on to Program Director or Clinical Director, if desired.

We use both a face-to-face classroom learning experience at our main campus in Dayton, Ohio, plus online learning at home.

We believe that the future of respiratory care, imaging sciences and nursing need well-trained graduates from our schools. These graduates will need teachers who can provide the highest quality education possible.

The Kettering Institute for Teacher Training is dedicated to providing the programs necessary to produce the high-quality teachers our schools will need.

If you are an RRT, RT or RN...

we can make you a great teacher!

If you are a Respiratory, Radiology or Nursing program...

we can train the teachers you need!

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